1 action 1 tree. Change starts with your own tree!
Trees4Greece has the mission to secure resources for the purchase of shrubs, saplings and already grown trees for transplanting in burned and barren areas of Greece.
You can contribute to this with your donation wherever you live, as long as you love environment and Greek land.
Trees4Greece big green vision
Trees4Greece was born in hard times for Greece and environment, with the vision of a better world for us and next generations. Reasons- Motivation for tree planting & transplanting grown trees:
- Restore and protect Greek land and forests
- Preserve biodiversity- Conserve wildlife
- Poverty alleviation: Liberate people and many professions (such as farmers, who are affected by climate change) from poverty
- Delate climate change and global warming
- Community resilience: Create local communities to care and protect the trees
- Complementing natural sources of oxygen and greenery with greenery

Start the change
And that's how tree planting and your tree start THE change!
Plant your tree(s):
1. Choose your donation
2. Note your tree planting, reason.
Get a unique code
Save your own unique electronic code in Trees4Greece, which confirms the transplanting of your tree. With this code and our Track your tree(s) service you will be able to monitor the development and growth of your tree.
Μεγάλοι οργανισμοί και ιδρύματα της Ελλάδας και του εξωτερικού που στηρίζουν και θα στηρίξουν από την πρώτη στιγμή το έργο και την αποστολή του Trees4Greece. Κοντά μας και κυρίως μαζί μας έχουμε ενεργά πολυεθνικές εταιρείες, μεγάλες επιχειρήσεις, διεθνείς οργανώσεις, οργανισμούς, απλούς πολίτες κι Έλληνες του εξωτερικού που είναι οι συνοδοιπόροι και οι πραγματικοί Partners μας.

News & Views
Articles & Videos of trees4greece.com

Frequently Asked Questions
Can I plant more than one tree?
Of course, you choose the money you will donate, the area depending on the scheduled tree plantings, where you want to plant and the number of trees corresponding to your donation.
Will my tree be where I transplant it, forever?
Trees4Greece takes care of this “forever” mood. That’s why we created local communities for information, care and protection of planted trees.
Can I have a standing order for my offer?
Your donation can be made as many times as you decide. If you choose the standing order to donate per month to Trees4Greece, you will transplant many trees, contributing to a greener environment and a better future for the Greek land and future generations.
Will I get a picture of my tree?
Through the Track your tree(s) service and our interactive map, you can monitor the growth of your tree at any time.
Ημερολόγιο Δράσεων
See our actions that have been completed and the next ones planned