Plant your tree(s)

One tree offers planet and every form of life shade, food, oxygen, the most precious goods.
At the same time, it develops habitat, a healthy environment, and contributes to the ecosystem.

1 action 1 tree.
Change starts with your own tree!

The procedure

Transplanting shrubs, saplings and already grown trees don’t cost much. You

You can donate one euro, while with Trees4Greece you have the possibility to donate more or with a duration (that is, with a standing order for a certain amount/month), following your project and trees on the interactive map.

After your donation to Trees4Greece, you will receive a unique Trees4Greece code, which confirms your tree planting.

With this code and our Track your tree(s) service, you can track your tree and watch it growing.

Gift trees

Your own tree in memory Donation in memory

Often the reasons that lead us to tree planting and donation are emotional. One of them is the memory of one of our own people, whom we have connected or not with a specific region of Greece. So you give life to his/her memory through a tree and a symbol of life that will stand there forever.

Trees give back life and hope, reminding that life is more important than we think.

Trees4Greece doesn’t forget people who lost their lives in fires and floods. So, this particular service is for us a tribute to them and their families.

The tree, which has been donated in memory of the deceased, will have an all-weather plastic tag with the name and lifespan of the tree. E.g. Markos Tauridis 1950 – 2022.

Plant your
tree(s) now!

Our trees have been monitored by our specialized Trees4Greece team, and are alive and healthy before we plant them to their new “homeland”.

We plant in affected areas throughout the Greek territory
Organizations and institutions that support our work
Participation of volunteers in tree planting
Issue of unique tree planting codes till now

Frequently asked questions

Can I plant more than one tree?

Of course, you choose the money you will donate, the area depending on the scheduled tree plantings, where you want to plant and the number of trees corresponding to your donation.

Will my tree be where I transplant it, forever?

Trees4Greece takes care of this “forever” mood. That’s why we created local communities for information, care and protection of planted trees.

Can I have a standing order for my offer?

Your donation can be made as many times as you decide. If you choose the standing order to donate per month to Trees4Greece, you will transplant many trees, contributing to a greener environment and a better future for the Greek land and future generations.

Will I get a picture of my tree?

Through the Track your tree(s) service and our interactive map, you can monitor the growth of your tree at any time.